Sunday, 13 April 2014

0000430: OpenVAS GreenBone Security Assistant (webUI) - MantisBT

0000430: OpenVAS GreenBone Security Assistant (webUI) - MantisBT: "texlive-latex-extra"

Had problems getting Greenbone Security Assistant OpenVAS in BackLinux v3.13 producing reports in PDF format.

Found a Kali Linux bug indicating that the package texlive-latex-extra had to be installed in order to produce PDF reports.

It's an extra 650MB+ of stuff to install but it did fix the PDF report issue.

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How to change the port and IP for Greenbone OpenVAS on BackLinux

By default, Greenbone OpenVAS on BackLinux v3.13 listens on port 9293 on the loopback address (

To change this, edit the /etc/default/greenbone-security-assistant and change the GSA_ADDRESS and GSA_PORT lines.

Changing these to and 443 respectively, will make the GUI available on the standard HTTPS port. You'll only be able to do this as long as your have nothing else listening on that port.

You can confirm what ports are in use by using netstat -ant.

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

BASH script to wrap around Heartbleed scanner

The following script wraps around the Heartbleed scanner talked about in the previous post to scan all IP addresses within a file and output the results to a log.
I know it's basic, but it works - I'd be very happy if someone could come up with a script that would accept a subnet in CIDR format and scan all IP's with that subnet. Something like "hbscan"


  1. Create a ~/heartbleed
  2. Copy the Heartbleed binary into the folder created at (1)
  3. Copy the script below into the ~/heartbleed direcotry and call it something like hbscan
  4. Make hbscan runnable (chmod 755 hbscan)
  5. Copy file(s) containing the IP addresses you wish to scan into ~/heartbleed
  6. Create a ~/heartbleed/scans directory
  7. Scan the networks using './hbscan filewithips'
Here's the script I used:

today=`date +%F`
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
  echo " Usage: `basename $0` list"
  exit $E_BADARGS
if [ ! -d $logs/$today ]; then
  echo "[*] Creating $logs/$today"
  mkdir $logs/$today
touch $logs/$today/$hosts
while read -r host
  echo "[*] Scanning $host..."
  ~/heartbleed/Heartbleed $host 2>> $logs/$today/$hosts
done < $hosts
echo "[*] Scans completed."

That script was frankenstiened from:

Heartbleed scanner on Ubuntu

This works for Ubuntu.

1.Install Bazaar and Go v1.0 (required for godeb):
sudo apt-get install bzr
sudo apt-get install golang

2. Install godeb (required for Go 1.2):
mkdir ~/gopath
export GOPATH
go get
sudo apt-get remove golang
sudo apt-get autoremove

3. Install godeb (required forGo 1.2)
sudo bin/godeb install

3. Get and compile Heartbleed:
go get
go install

4. Run it:
bin/Heartbleed serverip[:port]

Here is a BASH script you can use to scan a list of IP addresses instead of a single one:

Friday, 4 April 2014

Quick Fixed VHD Creation Tool - Ben Armstrong - Site Home - MSDN Blogs

Quick Fixed VHD Creation Tool - Ben Armstrong - Site Home - MSDN Blogs:

Allows for the creation of non-zeroed Hyper-V fixed size disks.

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