Friday, 28 December 2018

Windows 10 unable to access SYSVOL and NETLOGON on 2008 R2 Domain Controllers

I found some help here:
Looks like the SMB security needs to be weakened to allow Windows 10 to access these shares.
Enable the following policy:
  • Computer -> Administrative Templates -> Network -> Network Provider -> Hardened UNC Paths
You can either put the following in "Show Values":
  • \\*\NETLOGON    RequireMutualAuthentication=0,RequireIntegrity=0,RequirePrivacy=0
  • \\*\SYSVOL    RequireMutualAuthentication=0,RequireIntegrity=0,RequirePrivacy=0
Or put an entry for each DC:
  • \\DCNAME    RequireMutualAuthentication=0,RequireIntegrity=0,RequirePrivacy=0

Wednesday, 26 December 2018

Linux Mint 19.1 as guest on Virtualbox 60

Same steps as this post, but no need to add repos:


  • sudo apt update
  • sudo apt install virtualbox-guest-utils virtualbox-guest-dkms dkms linux-headers-generic build essential

Monday, 3 December 2018

Geo-location with Wireshark and Geolite2

Turns out Wireshark has built in ASN, City and Country geo-location using Geoip products. You can purchase a (presumably) more accurate version, or use the free version from here:

More details on the Wireshark Wiki (GeoIP link appears broken):

You can get endpoint statistics:

And in capture:

Thursday, 25 October 2018

Move Windows 10 notifications to top of screen

Chrome seems to alert on everything it has now and the notifications\toasts were covering access to items in the system tray that I sometimes needed to exit on login to Windows.

Creating the following registry with a value of 0 will move the toasts to the top of the screen instead:

    DWORD DisplayToastAtBottom 0x000000000 (0)

Thanks to Winaero:

Monday, 15 October 2018

Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver ntp inactive dead

Having installed ntp services on Ubuntu 18.04, we had to manually start manually on any reboot  using:
               sudo service start ntp

It turns out that in Ubuntu 18.04, systemd has an in-built timesync service that fires on boot called systemd-timesyncd. I believe this service was clashing with ntp and causing ntp to fail to start.

I’ve carried out the following to disable systemd-timesyncd on all three time servers, and to replace it with ntp:
sudo systemctl stop systemd-timesyncd
sudo systemctl disable systemd-timesyncd
sudo systemctl status systemd-timesyncd
sudo systemctl enable ntp
suso systemctl start ntp
sudo systemctl status ntp

All timeservers now appear to start ntp correctly.

Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver as Virtualbox Guest

Virtualbox guest utilities are available in the 'Multiverse' repo.
Testing on server gives the following in /etc/apt/sources.list after initial install:

  • deb bionic main
  • deb bionic-security main
  • deb bionic-updates main

You may be using a different ftp/http location, but just adding 'multiverse' to each line should achieve the same result. I ended up with:

  • deb bionic main multiverse
  • deb bionic-security main multiverse
  • deb bionic-updates main multiverse

I then ran the following commands to update and install the required modules:
  • sudo apt update
  • sudo apt install virtualbox-guest-utils virtualbox-guest-dkms dkms linux-headers-generic build essential

Sunday, 16 September 2018

Unable to run Etherape on Ubuntu 18.04

Etherape would not start as a root or non-root user on Ubuntu 18.04 with the error message:

GLib-GObject-WARNING **: invalid cast from ‘GtkLabel’ to ‘GnomeCanvas’

I found the answer as to why on the Parrot security forums:
This missing library was added with the command:

sudo apt-get install libgnomeui-0

Tuesday, 21 August 2018

How to generate a Battery Report in Windows 10

Useful post on how to generate a battery report in Windows 10:
powercfg /batteryreport /output c:\Temp\Battery_Report.html

See the post here:

Sunday, 27 May 2018

Parrot 4 will not start LDM in Virtualbox

It seems that Parrot 4.0.1 does not contain a version of Virtualbox tools compatible with kernel 4.16. As a consequence, X will not start due to the lack of supported Kernel modules.

The fix, to install modules from the VirtualBox ISO, is detailed by Pavel at the following link:

Failed to start light display manager? - Community - Parrot Community:

When you obtain the failure message about lightdm, simply press ALT+F1 and log in there. then:
  • sudo apt-get update
  • sudo apt-get upgrade
  • sudo apt-get install build-essential module-assistant
  • sudo m-a prepare
Insert Guest Additions ISO
  • mount /media/cdrom
  • sudo sh /media/cdrom/

Tuesday, 3 April 2018

Sunday, 11 March 2018

How to install VirtualBox Guest Additions in a Debian virtual machine - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange

How to install VirtualBox Guest Additions in a Debian virtual machine - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange:

For Debian 9, enable backports with contrib repository to /etc/apt/sources.list
  • deb stretch-backports main contrib

Then update and install:
  • sudo apt update
  • sudo apt install virtualbox-guest-utils virtualbox-guest-x11 virtualbox-guest-dkms dkms linux-headers-amd64 build-essential

'via Blog this'

Monday, 1 January 2018

Script to create multiple VM clones

I need a script to create several hundred VM's to load test a new VMWare cluster.
I have found this.