Saturday 2 July 2005

MOM 2005 error SQL Server 2000 SP3 or later not detected

Trying to install MOM 2005 on a test 2003 Server only to receive the error message "SQL Server 2000 SP3 or later not detected".

Because I have SQL 2000 SP4 installed as an upgrade of an earlier MSDE incidence (and it seems MOM 2005 install does not detect SQL 2000 SP4 correctly) I had to temporarily change the following reg key:

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\MSDE\MSSQLServer\CurrentVersion"
CSDVersion REG_SZ change from "8.00.2039" to "8.00.761"

Do not be confused by the MSDE term - This was what the incidence was called before being upgraded to SQL Server 2000.

Don't forget to change it back!

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    You may also check how to send SMS from MOM 2005 with Ozeki NG SMS Gateway

