Nasty startup problem solved thanks to Nick Klienschmidt.
cd /Library/StartupItems
sudo chown -R root:wheel ChmodBPF
I'm just a simple techie who sometimes forgets things. I use this as a notepad to remember things by. I hope it helps you too. I post as myself, not as any organisation.
To set the filter:New-DynamicDistributionGroup 'The applett-Name "Group name" 'What the group should be called-IncludedRecipients MailboxUsers 'Just include users with mailboxes-OrganizationalUnit "" 'Where to create the dynamic distribution group
e.g. New-DynamicDistributionGroup -Name "Group name" -IncludedRecipients MailboxUsers -OrganizationalUnit ""
Set-DynamicDistributionGroup 'The applett"Group Name" 'What the group is called-Notes "Blah blah blah" 'Description-RecipientFilter {ServerName -eq 'ServerX' -and ForwardingAddress -eq $Null} 'Mailbox exists on ServerX and the forwarding address is empty-RecipientContainer "" 'What container the recipients are under - It can just be the domaine.g. Set-DynamicDistributionGroup "Group Name" -Notes "Blah blah blah" -RecipientFilter {ServerName -eq 'ServerX' -and ForwardingAddress -eq $Null} -RecipientContainer ""
-Path C:\NewCert.req
-DomainName fqdn1.domain.tld,fqdn1,fqdn2.domain.tld,fqdn2
-FriendlyName "fqdn1.domain.tld"
-SubjectName "CN=fqdn1.domain.tld,OU=Department,O=Organisation,L=Location,S=County,C=GB"
Import-ExchangeCertificate C:\NewCert.req