Friday, 29 September 2006

Exchange 2003 will not uninstall with error 0x8000ffff

Ok, I have a development server that runs Exchange 2003 as a testbed but I wanted to try Exchange 2007b2 on this box. I thought about reinstalling the box but feeling slightly lazy I decided to remove Exchange 2003 and install Exchange 2007b2. Except I couldn't.....

"Unexpected error 0x8000ffff" so the dialog box said. On examining the log file in the root of C:, the first mention of error 0x8000ffff was in relation to not being able to find the CD. Except it hadn't asked me for the CD.....

On further examination it turned out (I remember now) that I had mounted the Exchange 2003 install CD iso image using Daemon tools and shared them across the network. The error 0x8000ffff was because it couldn't find the share. I shared the iso from the same machine and same sharename and presto! It worked!

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